Tag Archives: one time only

Ping Pong Rave Food: Full Blast Summer Jam by Here There

There’s this new class of food events that reminds me of those 90s warehouse rave days. Hawkers Market is a bit like that (previous Hawkers Market events here, here and here) but I went to another similar one-time-only event that was even more “underground” in that it was held in a secret location that wasn’t revealed until the night before. The event was FULL BLAST SUMMER JAM produced by Here There, who have put on a couple interesting food-related events previously, including one where they turned a school cafeteria into a pop-up restaurant. I had even more fun at Full Blast than Hawkers Market! 😛 Even though there was only ONE food vendor and the beer was crap, the food was so good that it didn’t matter! Continue reading Ping Pong Rave Food: Full Blast Summer Jam by Here There